Rafael Contreras

Evolved from Entrepreneur Technologist to Technological Entrepreneur and advancing … to businessman and curiously returning to Technological Entrepreneur.

PhD in Social Sciences and Economist from the University of Cádiz, Master’s in Strategic Consulting from the University of Bologna, and PhD in DBA from the Pontifical Comillas University of Madrid with the thesis titled “Valuation of Artificial Intelligence Data in the Football Industry,” awarded cum laude, focusing on how data management creates value in the professional football industry in Spain.

Dedicated to the world of technology transfer and specialized in the creation of technology-based companies. Expert in strategic development and internationalization in different sectors: consulting, aeronautics, biotechnology, audiovisual, etc.

Currently, Vicepresident of Cadiz CF.

I have always believed that when you believe in what you are doing and use your imagination and initiative, you can make a difference. This is based on faith in the work, trying to improve every day and in each stage.