This DBA thesis investigates how data management creates value in the professional football industry in Spain. Despite several authors have studied the contribution of data to corporate value creation, most of these works have focused on a ‘generic’ firm. However, all recognize that the ability and channels through which data generates value are industry-specific. The first part of this dissertation examines the current role of data in the football industry in Spain, addressing the incentives of key players, the regulatory framework, and trading of data rights. A clear conclusion emerges: in an industry like football, with a history of limited technological development in management and a depletion of traditional revenue sources for clubs and associations, the role of data is crucial. The second part of this studies develops an empirical study to identify the sources of corporate value in data management. For this purpose, various field studies are conducted, including surveys, Delphi techniques, Metaplan, and semi-structured interviews with key players in the sector. These sources of value creation are tested through the implementation of various initiatives in a professional football club. Based on these results, I present a simple model to assess data exploitation rights in the industry that is easy to apply, extend, and extrapolate.


  1. Cesar

    Me ha parecido muy interesante su exposición, gracias por compartirlo.

  2. Gabriel Villalobos

    Una defensa de tesis impecable!!! te felicito sería un honor poder contar con tu presencia en alguna oportunidad por Costa Rica para exponer tus conocimientos a la industria de nuestro fútbol como tal !

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