Today i received an e-mail about a research of The global Carbon Fiber market, this is the introduction, NO WORDS

“The global carbon fiber market is forecast to experience double-digit growth annually for the next five years in terms of both dollars and pounds shipment. In terms of dollar shipment, market is expected to reach $3.0 billion in 2018 from $1.8 billion in 2013. The industrial market is expected to witness annual double-digit growth while aerospace experiences high single-digit growth. The sporting goods market is likely to witness the lowest growth in 2013-2018 in terms of dollar shipment.

The author’s research indicates future growth of the global carbon fiber industry will be driven by emerging applications such as wind blades; nuclear centrifuge rotor tubes; laptop cases; mobile phones; and risers, tethers and umbilical in the oil and gas industry. In addition, civil and bridge applications; CNG tanks, fuel cells, automotive applications in high-end cars; defense aircraft; commercial aerospace applications such as B787, A380, B747-8, A350; and next-generation narrow body aircraft are leading applications for carbon fiber use. ”

Just i want to share with you, our Carbures Shareholders

Best regards


By Rafael Contreras

Vicepresidente del Cádiz CF. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas por la Universidad de Cádiz y Máster en Asesoramiento Psicosocial de Organizaciones e Instituciones por la Università di Bologna (Italia) además de un segundo doctorado por la Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid con la tesis DBA «Valoración de los datos de la Inteligencia Artificial en la industria del fútbol». Ejecutivo en Liderazgo y Gestión por el MIT.

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