AF254612-809E-47D3-8D73-F32273BEB52DOne of the challenges of maintaining a blog and being the CEO of a hyperdynamic organization such as MUVING Ecosystem, is that posts accumulate in my publications pipeline. Thinking twice, that’s a good sign!

If this week we have been present in different cities of Spain and celebrating the European Mobility Week, the previous one had been the turn of European Innovation in Silicon Valley. I can tell you that with the success of the sharing service in EUROPE, and the extraordinary start of MUVING in Atlanta last June, the high expectations raised in Silicon Valley did not disappoint the attendees of this Week dedicated to the latest European technological trends.

Besides the presentation of the company that took place in Mountain View, within the events of the same week, I was invited to a discussion pannel with Miguel Arias Cañete, Commissioner of the EC for Climate Action and Energy, Marco Marinucci and Alberto Onetti, CEO and Chairman respectively of Mind The Bridge, organizer of this elite event that brings the latest in European innovation to Silicon Valley. My presence responded to the interest aroused by a successful case in the transformation of mobility: MUVING.

Already in Spain, this week, the City Council of Madrid has just awarded us the “Move Green” Award for “our sustainable mobility model”. These awards have been celebrated for ten years and this time it has been recognized the positive impact that MUVING has had in the capital of Spain in its year of existence. Since May 2017, almost 40,000 people in Madrid have saved the emission of 240 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. This award is also for our customers who are the ones who are building a more livable city using electric vehicles.

Thank you very much to the City of Madrid for this award, congratulations to our customers because it is a recognition of their beneficial habits for the environment, and I say goodbye with the satisfaction that more and more people in more cities and countries are adopting electric mobility as his way of moving. And this, this is good for everyone’s lungs. From Silicon Valley to the Gran Vía of Madrid, and passing through the Caleta de Cádiz.

By Ivan Contreras

Cofundador de Carbures, Torrot, Muving y Skully. Presidente de Skully y CEO de Torrot. Más de 20 años como directivo e inversor creando empresas tecnológicas. Convencido de la Movilidad Inteligente y sostenible, y de que el mundo se puede transformar con pasión y trabajo. Formación en Harvard, MIT, Universidad de Barcelona.

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