FOTO-RC-AIBELLThis week a milestone has been completed throughout the year. Last Monday, It took place the official recognition of the birth of AIRTIFICIAL with the traditional opening bell ringing at the Madrid Stock Exchange. I did it with AIBELL, a collaborative robot, being the first time in history that a robot rang the bell on the Stock Exchange. Here I leave the speech I offered for employees, investors, friends and family who attended the event to share this moment. Thank you all.


Dear shareholders, President of the Stock Exchange, employees of AIRTIFICIAL, friends … AIBELL (the robot), thank you very much for being here today sharing this moment. With this collaborative robotic opening  bell we officially certify the birth of AIRTIFICIAL. Right in this Palace of the Stock Exchange, where tradition merges with innovation.

Using market terms, today we gather in one single act an opening and a closing. The opening of a technology company, which since its inception has already started with a position of global leadership in collaborative robotics and intelligent structures. And that leadership is real thanks to that closure, that transformation we are talking about, of the two companies whose merger arose AIRTIFICIAL: Carbures and Inypsa. Decades of international experience guarantee and enable AIRTIFICIAL to be born in the best of life. With the strength of youth, and the knowledge of adulthood.

AIRTIFICIAL emerges to offer solutions. The Artificial Intelligence developments of the company are applied transversally to the products of the sectors in which we operate: robotics, aerospace, defense, civil engineering, automotive, renewable, energy efficiency and the respective developments in applied engineering. And when I say that AIRTIFICIAL arises at the precise moment, it is because at present there is a focus about the relationship between man and robots: what it will be like, what dangers or opportunities the developments will bring. There is a whole academic and social debate about it.

Darwin spoke of a selective pressure on the species. Those that adapted to aggressive external elements were those that survived. Today, the potentially hostile element has been created by the species itself, Technology. And that’s where AIRTIFICIAL plays a crucial role with a direct impact on society. As specialists in Artificial Intelligence and collaborative robotics we are born with a mission: to help human beings to integrate with emerging technologies. TECHNOLOGY AT THE SERVICE OF PEOPLE.

Personally, it’s the second time I rang that bell. The first time was with CARBURES 6 years ago. Today I do it as the President of AIRTIFICIAL. And in that opening and closing that I commented at the beginning, I can say that it is a satisfaction to close this period in Carbures having been leader of the Alternative Stock Market, and having become 18 years of a journey from an spin off of the University of Cádiz, to become a global leader in structures of composites, reference for giants of mobility. Regarding Inypsa, I want to congratulate those who have brought it here, an example of a company that promotes sustainability in society through its engineering works, transforming and impacting environments through infrastructures, renewable parks, efficiency energy, among others, in Latin America and Europe.

Today we are AIRTIFICIAL, which means increasing our operational capacity, knowledge, technologies to put them at the service of our customers, at the service of society. The creation of Airtificial allows us to multiply the generation of business opportunities through the 1200 people who work in the 20 locations, 13 countries and 3 continents where the company is present and provides pioneering technological solutions for current challenges.

Undoubtedly, today marks a business milestone of maximum relevance for us and it is a day of celebration. The fact of two consolidated companies join together, in a sum in which one plus one does not result in two but in much more, and converge under a single identity, AIRTIFICIAL, has been an objective in itself, because we are really convinced of the potential of growth of the Company and its capacity to generate value.

I want to mention the main partners of Carbures and Inypsa, who  have shown that clarity of vision and willingness to overcome the process followed and that culminated today with the arrival of Airtificial from the beginning.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the team of the integration committee that have operationally materialized and solved each requirement that the four external consultants, the three independent auditors and the regulatory body, demanded to ensure the scrupulousness and transparency of this merger.

So that from tomorrow, after the emotional hangover of today’s euphoria, we can work as AIRTIFICIAL from the beginning, and feel and understand each other as one company, there is a whole team of people who have been working for that integration. The comment that they made me about it is that employees from all over the world were excited and very motivated to enter this new stage. To all of them, congratulations for today.

Every time we achieve a milestone of this magnitude, in which an extraordinary effort is needed, we must thank those who are closest to us on a personal level. Fathers and mothers, wives and husbands, children, other relatives, friends … To all of you, THANK YOU, because without you, we certainly would not have gotten here.

In the organizations and companies in which I have participated, I have always had a motto, a thought that has governed my career, which is: “We did it because we did not know it was impossible”.

Chief Executive Officer Borja Martínez-Laredo, employees and members of AIRTIFICIAL present here, and those who are folowing this event via streaming web from all around the world, I ask that, starting tomorrow, you continue working as you have done so far. And when clouds darken the mood, remember that phrase, that engine: “Let’s make the impossible possible”. Let’s put technology at the service of people.

In this moment of closure of the speech, and the opening of a long road that we have before us, is when I would like the main partners of this company to come up, and together we give applause for the first of many successes that are to come: Lalo Azcona , Ramón Betolaza, Leonardo Sánchez, thank you very much, and congratulations.

By Rafael Contreras

VP of Cadiz CF. PhD in Social and Law Sciences by the University of Cádiz and a Master's Degree in Psycho-social counseling of organizations and institutions by the Universita'Di Bologna (Italy). Leadership and management Executive by MIT. More than 20 years of experience in launching and setting-up companies, specialized in high-technology. I am used to think that "When you believe in what you're doing and use your imagination and initiative, yo can make a difference"

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