This time, I have decided to write my post in English. I am working in USA, on the development of CARBURES USA. My respect for this country and their citizens, where we are working now.

I would like to share some thougts about leadership, the most necessary skill around the world in this moment.
 I am sure lack of leadership is the main reason of the crisis.

I don´t know if somebody said this before, but if not, somebody should have said it: One of the great points of leadership is the capacity to learn, everybody has something to teach. People has only to pay attention and keep aware and an open mind.

So The good leader is learning everyday, every  moment and everywhere.

I believe too, that a leader must be strong because people want to see he knows where he goes and the organization goes with him. I am sure people are looking for a kind of leadership which shows them the way to be better and feel part of the project. I think the values and culture is the way to share the leadership. But I know it is necessary a strong leader who knows to share the values and he hasn´t any problems to accept the different points of view; to make mistakes and finally learn from them, and finally to apply his own criteria, because he has the final responsibility.

So, a good leader must be strong, to have a smart strength

Everybody knows my relation with University (working on technology transfer, my PH.D…). Well, in my experience I have seen two kinds of professors. One, that always needs to remind everybody who he is in order to be listened to; and the other one, that only needs to start a talk to be listened to. It is so clear the difference between them.

So The good leader does not need to say the rest of the people who the leader is

This is my conclusion: people shouldn´t be wrong, ( to the professors and Chiefs and to students and workers). When a leader wants to learn, show the mistakes and share his points of view, this is not a weak point. PEOPLE SHOULDN´T BE WRONG, THIS IS A LEADERSHIP STRONG POINT. That is what I think.

….The time decide….


By Rafael Contreras

Vicepresidente del Cádiz CF. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas por la Universidad de Cádiz y Máster en Asesoramiento Psicosocial de Organizaciones e Instituciones por la Università di Bologna (Italia) además de un segundo doctorado por la Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid con la tesis DBA «Valoración de los datos de la Inteligencia Artificial en la industria del fútbol». Ejecutivo en Liderazgo y Gestión por el MIT.

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