Moving is like eating or breathing

Moving is like eating or breathing

FOTO-IVAN-RAFA-MUVING-ATLANTAMoving from one place to another is something we do every day. Like eating, breathing. And like these actions, moving to work, to home, to the supermarket has become an unconscious act most of the time. We do not realize what this experience is like. In MUVING, we talk about moving without leaving a trace, because our electric mobility devices do not damage the environment. Many people talk about the feeling you experience the first time you use an electric vehicle. The absence of smoke and polluting emissions are elements that users describe as a kind of cleaning.

Debate at Harvard University

Debate at Harvard University

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to participate with a presentation in a workshop at Harvard University, which revolved around new trends in aeronautics. Together with representatives of Airbus, MIT, Harvard, I presented the challenges of a Sustainable Mobility and address it in a holistic way, not partially.…